
Industry 4.0

What is it and why does it matter!

One of the most used buzz-words these days is Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT), but what is it, and why is this important to understand? Industry 4.0 is, as the number indicates, the name of the fourth generation of industrial revolutions. Where the previous "revolutions" were 'industry' in its very sense, 4.0 is way more about computers, robots, sensors, and connectivity.

We have for a long time been used to connecting to the Internet via WIFI, using our mobiles, and being able to communicate through a long range of devices. With the Internet of Things, which is an essential part of the Industry 4.0 mindset devices connect via the Internet or to be more precise IpV protocols. The idea is to make equipment more intelligent and make them able to communicate directly with each other.

Imagine everything from refrigerators, to cars, to household appliances, etc. connected, promising services, that for some are pure science fiction. The connectivity between devices is already well-known for most since Bluetooth is one way of connecting two devices. WIFI is another way, and basically connectivity in itself isn't new. The new thing is the number of devices that can connect and the way the devices "talk" to each other. 

Here are links to an article about the connectivity, and one about the protocols.

One example from the recent LabelExpo is the Tilia Labs connection to the Zünd boards. CEO Sagen De Jonge, tells me, that their software connects to the Zünd board to receive production data back about i.e., cutting time. You may think this isn't important, but think again. Most companies in the printing industry sell 'time', so with connected devices, you have a better foundation for decisions (manually or automatically!)

The ever-recurring question is who will benefit the most from this development? 

Industry 4.0 is the new age of robots, automation, connectivity, and more, and it will require dramatic changes for many printing companies. It will also require new skills, new mindsets, and a lot of money. Will we as an industry, deliver the increased profitability to the customers squeezing the margins even more, or will we for once be able to bank on this?

The adaption of Industry 4.0 determines this, and it will be interesting to follow. After many many years with CIP3/4, JDF/XJDF, which are still not implemented with all printing companies, Industry 4.0 and IoT will be a new technology layer that will differentiate the printing companies!

The large printing companies will obviously benefit from optimization, automation, and all the new smart technologies, but the small family-owned companies may be left behind.

The question is, of course, also whether Industry 4.0 will be easier to adapt to than i.e. JDF/XJDF? Today many vendors in the printing industry have various Dashboards where you can monitor all your IoT enabled devices, so maybe one of the interesting questions is when we will see a Dashboard of Dashboards?

Industry 4.0 and IoT are here, and this is something that you will have to relate to, one way or another!

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