
Journalistic Approach

7 News-criteria we live after!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

INKISH.TV is an unbiased and honest online channel for- and about the printing industry. The purpose of this guideline is to let you, our partners, third-party contributors, and staff to understand the perspective of INKISH.TV and of course also for the articles we write on INKISH.NEWS. 

This guideline is a work-in-progress where it will be updated when needed. If you are a contributor and have doubts, you are welcome to reach out to editor@inkish.tv to get support and/or comments on specific issues. 

INKISH.TV is first and foremost for our viewers. So being unbiased and honest is always about the viewer. The audience that we address is ONLY the printing-industry and the users/buyers, so content created from outside the printing community must be addressed with relevance to our audience.

As with any other editorial product the stories we tell always support the following criteria: 

An event is more newsworthy the sooner it is reported.

Events are more newsworthy the closer they are to the community reading about them.

Events are more newsworthy when they affect a greater number of people.

Events are more newsworthy when they involve public figures.

Events are more newsworthy the more out of the ordinary they are.

Events are more newsworthy when they involve an issue that is top of mind in the public.

Events are more newsworthy when they involve disagreement.

These seven news values are commonly agreed among independent publicists to be a solid foundation for a media - and therefore this is what INKISH also work in favor of! This doesn’t mean that we always deliver on above, but this is the objective we want to reach. When we make films we engage with the people, we are working with, and we work on understanding their objectives in their work and how they have come to it. We always aim to have an open and curious approach to the people we interview, and we communicate in easy to understand everyday’s language. When talking to people we smile, we do our best to make our participants feel balanced, feel good, and relaxed. We aim to be friendly and openminded to become ‘friends’ with the people we cover. 

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